It is one of the largest in United States universities, specializing in business, accounting and law. Thousands of students from around the world give preference to him. In its more than 30-year history, the University managed to train representatives of almost all the companies of the exchange's index, almost two-thirds of accountants and one third of all United States attorneys.The main difference from traditional universities is that all programs from the outset here focus on the future of the student.
Nevada National University is a classic university of research type, the main task of which is the educational, research and innovational.
The foundation of the modern concept of development of the university is preparing highly qualified specialists, competitive on the labour market, the introduction of existing and the development of new information and communicational technologies for educational and scientific work.
Here you'll learn exactly what you need to know. All university teachers are experienced practicists and training takes place in centres, equipped with the most modern equipment and software. We use educational research principle of organization of educational process, information and computer technologies, the active forms of learning and teaching methods: retreats classes on business enterprises, etc. The high status of the classical University of the training type is confirmed by numerous scientific wins of academic employees of the University, which are marked, in particular, by State prizes in science and technology. For the stay of students was created the campus with hostels, computer clubs, sports, dining, cafes and dance halls. For improving the health University has a sanatorium. The University takes an active position on increasing recruitment for training foreign citizens. Number of foreign citizens who receive higher education in the University is 935 people.